Policy Information Service

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  • Policy Information Service
  • What is the policy information service?
  • This is a library service that provides the government, public organizations, policy makers, and researchers with necessary policy information so that they can use it conveniently.
Policy Information Service
Public officials (central or local government), research institutes (national or private)
Policy information Information necessary for the process of establishing, executing and evaluating policies.
Publications of major policy data producers.
Types of data
Printed or online materials including various domestic or overseas statute books, statistics, reports, proceedings, research papers, practical guides, textbooks, budgetary documents, year books, white papers, newsletters, trends reports, press releases, international conference materials.
Policy information portal
Provides policy information produced by domestic and overseas governments and public organizations.
Common utilization of information resources through the National Association for Information Policy.
Supports the policy-making activities of public officials and provides the general public with policy-related information.
Journal table of contents mailing service
Offers the list of journals to which the National Library of Korea subscribes by classifying them according to the functions of the Government.
Provides public officials with the contents of journals for which they make requests for information.
If a public official wishes to use a text of a journal after seeing the contents of the latest issue, a photocopy of that part will be sent to him/her by email.